D.P. Percy Poet . Writer

Write with Soul

Write while enriching hidden gifts for others.

“Do not forget that the original meaning

of all letters and numbers was a magical one!”


I’ve always done my best when I think inspirationally.

It has come naturally since I was a child and helped me rise above abuse, trauma, and low self-esteem. Thank heavens for my rebellious streak and mischief. While it got me into some trouble throughout life, it also sustained me until I until I found better ways.

Inspiration came with a feeling or visualisation that was beyond words.

It has taken many decades to develop the words. As a teenager and into my thirties, I idolised writers and poets, not daring to dream I could ever be one myself. It was a world too far.

Slowly, slowly, I gathered enough depth-understanding of what mattered to me: many disparate fields, theories, and practices that became integrated and enabled me to write from the heart.

I don’t mean able to write insightful papers and blogs for clients, students, and peers. For some reason, that soon left me hungry, unfulfilled—not to mention the books never to see the light of day.

I mean, to write in the way I aspired to, about life-truths and soul, having my own and considered philosophies to guide where I needed to go. To write, no matter it remained imperfect.

Imperfection is something I’ve wrestled with, ridiculously, because logically nothing can be perfect.

Yet it can be fully itself.

Writing can be moving, creative, real, from the soul, and connecting—courageously, sensitively, and with inspiration. That is what I hope my writing can do. With tough love.

Author biography

My love of writing began in 1983 with Macmillan Australia commissioning two textbooks, both illustrated by Australian cartoonist, Michael Leunig. Since then, I’ve written and spoken for professional colleagues, clients, post graduate students, community groups and radio, on topics as varied as psychological crisis intervention, psychodynamics, education, leadership, organisation culture, life philosophy and midlife/elderhood. Recent publications include articles, papers, podcasts, radio, videos, self-published books, and poetry. A selection is listed at www.dipercy.com/publications

The Descent is my first venture into literary fiction.




Web Design : Morgan Williams - Designscope Portrait Photographs : Tiffany Warner; Kim Percy 

Landscapes Photographs : Johannes Plenio; Simon Berger; Niilo Isotalo; Faye Cornish