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The poet, Philip Larkin, has a solitary word inscribed on
his gravestone, ‘Writer’. One of the most-loved poets in
English language of his post WWII generation, it
summarises for me a life’s aspiration.

Once again,

see the beauty in the world,

hear the song sung for you

and know how beautiful

and resilient you are.

---D. E. Percy, 2020

Available Books

Standing in the fire

On the personal and
universal nature of Grief
and Renewal.

Order via online retailers

The DNA of Culture

an e-book for
Company Directors
and strategic thinkers.

Order via email message below

Forthcoming Books

The Descent

a modern-day fable
of being lost, confronting
dissolution, initiation
and new life.

Practicing the Wisdom Arts™

Can the third stage of life be
the time we claim our own

Board advisor turned Forest dweller and Soulworker


is seeing, hearing, embodying

your soul in the everyday,

to hone what matters

on a grand scale

or on a small scale,

be that nature, loved ones, community,

or climate change, poverty, wars;

and then to offer your best gesture back.

It need not be a revolution

but a simple kindness . . .

The true gifts life has given us become clearer with age

and in return we can deliver our own gifts with abundance.

I encourage you to know and deliver all your gifts

and hope you’ll join me in this undertaking.

If you would like to order an advance copy of Elerhood: Practicing the Wisdom Arts™ (available later 2023), or be in contact please send your details: